Before and After School Programs
Before School Programs
“Ready-Set-Go!” is the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Before School Academic and Enrichment Program. Funded through a California State Grant, the Before and After School Education and Safety Program, and the 21st Century Community Learning Centers federal grant. “Ready-Set-Go!” has been developed to meet the academic and supervision needs of many elementary children during the critical period before school begins. There is no charge for participating in this program.
After School Programs
LA's Best
Our Mission
The mission of LA’s BEST is to provide a safe and supervised after school education, enrichment and recreation program for children ages 5 to 12 in the City of Los Angeles.
Our Vision
All children need a safe place to be after school with caring, responsible adults and engaging activities that connect each child to his/her school, family and community.
Our Values
- Nothing we do is as important as the effect it has on a child.
- Engaging activities develop values, skills and relationships. Activities are not seen as ends in themselves, but as vehicles for creating values, building skills and solidifying peer and adult relationships. An engaging activity is one that holds children’s attention, awakens their imagination, and inspires them to want to learn more.
- All children have equal rights to be accepted, respected and valued by others. Children are viewed as individuals to be developed, not problems to be solved.
- Children should be involved in decision-making and program design. If children get to choose how, when, in what and with whom to be engaged, they are far more likely to enjoy themselves and behave cooperatively.
- When we listen for understanding everyone learns—children and adults alike. We are constantly able to learn from our children as well as each other. Everyone is a learner.
Youth Services
Youth services provides after school care to student in the 3rd grade or higher. It is our firm belief that very child has a need and right to participate, in the presence of a responsible, caring adult, in engaging activities that support achievement and promote social, emotional, and physical development beyond the regular school day. Beyond the Bell ensures that all children and in the Los Angeles Unified School District have access to high quality, safe, and supervised education, enrichment, and recreation programs that engage and inspire learning.